Assembly instructions MoneroSigner

Step 1

Insert your button on the joystick by exerting pressure, you must exert strong pressure to insert it, this allows it to be held correctly without the risk of your button coming loose over time. The joystick button is quite easy to distinguish from the other 3 buttons, because it does not have a wing on each side.

Step 2

Step 2 is to insert the 3 buttons into their slots from the back of the top panel, you should not feel any pressure to insert them, the 3 buttons do not have a vertical mounting direction, the only direction to follow is horizontal, so that the buttons are accessible from the front of the top panel. Leave the back of the top panel facing you so the buttons are held in place without having to hold them manually and proceed to step 3.

Step 3

Now that you have assembled your joystick button on your waveshare board and your 3 buttons on the top panel of the case, place your waveshare board on the top panel aligning the 4 holes on top of each other and go to step number 4.

Step 4

Step 4 consists only of lightly tightening the 4 hexagonal head screws without carrying out the final tightening, be careful, only carry out a pre-tightening so that the waveshare card can still move slightly

Step 5

Turn the side of the screen facing you then make the necessary adjustments by slightly moving the components so that the joystick is perfectly centered in its location on the top panel, then finalize the cross-tightening of the 4 hexagonal head screws and go to step number 6.

CAUTION: Do not tighten the screws with all your force, you risk damaging the electronic components, a slight tightening so that the card is well fixed will be enough.

Step 6

Insert each of the pins inside the waveshare board header socket like the 4 pins circled in red, don’t worry about which way you insert them, each side is the same, just be sure to insert them all the way to the bottom of the slot holder.

Step 7

Now mount your raspberry pi zero board so that it is placed on the 4 hexagonal head screws while taking care to also insert all the pins into the pi zero locations.

Step 8

Also check that the pins are all slightly protruding from their housing and that they are inserted correctly, it is important to check all of this because in the next step we will move on to soldering.

Step 9

Now solder the four points on each end, then solder the rest. A low-end soldering iron will do the trick.

TIP: I advise you to use 60/40 tin, 60% tin and 40% lead, make sure your tin has at least 1 or 2% flux.

Step 10

Plug the camera into the slot on your Raspberry Pi Zero board. To do this, unlock the housing by exerting external pressure on each side as indicated in red and insert your camera socket into the slot then lock it, so that the camera socket is held in its slot. Then bend the camera cable to get a nice flat curve facing the card like in the photo

IMPORTANT: Remove the two types of double-sided glue found on the back of the camera, you will not need them, the box is optimized so that everything is held in place by simple mechanical pressure


Step 11

Insert your glass which will protect your camera, for this you must put it in its location from inside the case, you will be able to see its location highlighted in red in the photo. You don’t need to glue it, it will be held in place with simple, low mechanical pressure exerted by the camera head.

Step 12

Insert the previously assembled elements into the box, place the camera head in its location and slide the electronic components fixed on the upper panel into the box.

Step 13

The final step is to tighten the last 4 hex head screws so that the device is fully operational, maintain pressure to hold the electronic components in place until at least one screw is tightened on each side.

CAUTION: There is no point in tightening the screws with all your strength, you risk damaging the nuts and threads. A light tightening is sufficient.

Congratulations, enjoy your hardware.

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